COVID-19 response

Our Karis families

Our Karis families are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19. Many of them have carers who are HIV positive or underlying health conditions. Access to water is limited and the heath infrastructure is not as robust as in the UK.

Not only that but there’s also no practical chance of social distancing in the densely populated slums.

Our Karis team in Uganda may soon have to work from home. They will not be available for the carers who need their help and not all the team have access to the internet at home.

Food distribution

Due to the ban on church meetings and gatherings, our food distribution to families cannot take place at the moment. With the children at home from school there are even more mouths to feed.

To ensure the families don’t go hungry, they have been given cash instead to buy food.

Immediate prayer points

We invite you to pray this with us now…

  1. We ask for protection for our Karis families from coronavirus and healing for those affected. May they have the food and soap they need. May the children stay safe and not be led astray because of hunger or fear. 

  2. We also ask for protection for the Karis team and their families.May they know God’s love and provision as they serve Him at this difficult time.


Concerns about supporting your family?

Please contact either Edward Law ( if you have any concerns regarding your support for your Karis family.

Will Law