Autumn update

COVID-19 in Uganda

  • Numbers are increasing. Currently 8965 cases and 82 deaths.

  • Anyone displaying symptoms (or had contact with someone who is positive) now has to pay for a £53 test — more than a month’s rent for our carers.

  • Curfew remains in place between 9pm to 6am.

  • Gatherings of up to 70 are permitted for an hour. Churches opened from 4th October. Schools open from 15th October for designated classes.



Karis families were overwhelmed by the support they received during lockdown, which included…

  1. additional food rations,

  2. help with rent arrears and

  3. small grants to get businesses back on their feet as lockdown restrictions eased.

All thanks to your wonderful response to the recent Emergency Appeals.


Return of gathered food distribution

Karis-linked vicars and Church Community Mobilisers recently attended a briefing held by the Karis team to ensure safe food distribution, in line with government guidelines.

On 30th September the first gathered food distribution since March was held at each Karis link church. This ensured numbers stayed below 70. The vicars took the opportunity to share from the Bible, as well as encourage and pray with the carers. There was much rejoicing!


Food suppliers provided packaged rice and flour to minimise physical contact.


Pants and sanitary towels were added to the list of food items and gratefully received by the teenagers.

Will Law