Interview with Ketrah

Late last month we released a video interview with Ketrah Turyakira, who leads our magnificent Karis team at our Uganda office, about…

  • what life is like in Kampala right now

  • what the team are up to

  • how we can pray for them

This video was originally made and broadcast for Winchester Vineyard Church, but it contains some exciting updates so we thought you might enjoy it too.

In fact, since filming this video an additional 625 families were given food from the funds of Emergency Appeal #2. This means a total of 1,250 families were reached and 12,000 people were fed. Praise God!

If you know anyone who might be interested in becoming a link family, do show them this video and, if they're interested in learning more, introduce them to Edward Law via email. He would be more than happy to set up a phone call and start a conversation.

We are currently looking for new link families in the UK, so do have a think and a pray if God is highlighting anyone to you.

Will Law